Friday, October 11, 2019


I watched Kezia Williams head of theatrical distribution at Pathe talk about how distributors work can create a successful marketing campaign for each film. I investigated the different aspects of a marketing campaign for a specific recent film such as:  
  • Film website 
  • Film posters 
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram 
  • Twitter 
  • Cross promotion/ product tie-ins (Like Heineken and James Bond in Skyfall and Spectre, Toyota and Star Wars
  • News articles, interviews, award ceremonies

Kezia Williams explains that, in a congested marketplace, a distributors aim was to position a film in a way that it stood out for it target audience. Chris Resseling offered me a series of insight in to how distributors market a film's USP (unique selling point) such as its star cast, its Provence (such as its literary adaption or biopic credentials), its awards and good reviews. 

Matt Smith of the FDA tells us that spend on digital has increased enormously. For instance, trailers are not cut for
 portrait viewing on smartphones. Digital includes all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc) that work as a synergetic whole in promoting a product. Matt Smith also refers to paid-for marketing as distinct from free publicity. Social media can generate viral marketing- free publicity. 

For this research I have decided to research the film '
Get out', this is a thriller and involves a man going to meet his girlfriends parents, he is nervous as they don't know he's black but still goes with her. When he arrives things start to become eerie, he notices that both the maid and the gardener are black. After finding out that a range of black people have gone missing from the area he wants to leave, as he tries to leave with rose (his girlfriend) he's hypnotised. 


For this movie they have used a range of marketing techniques such as posters, trailers, online and social (instagram, facebook, twitter, website home page). The poster for this movie is used to create a sense of 
mystery and disorientation. It uses the look of a shattered piece of glass, with different parts of the story presented in each fragment. At the bottom of the movie there is a quote from the movie which says "Just because you're invited in, doesn't mean you're welcome" which gives the reader hints about the movie. 


Before the movie trailer was released there was no notice about the movie coming out, when it appeared it took everyone by surprise. At the beginning of the trailer it starts with rose and Chris getting ready for their journey to their weekend away. Once they arrive things already take a turn as the entire scene appears to be 
creepy and dangerous as Chris seems to be exposed to extreme psychological torture throughout the stay. This makes the trailer effective as it gives the viewers hints of what Chris was put through. Rose's parents (Whitford and Keener) give a broad minded vibes that have educational conversations about race but are still able to attack people of their own. 

Social media

The front page of the official website features clips from the trailer. The first content section in the top menu bar is "
about" and is where you'll be bale to read a paragraph about the movie, fundamentally and spoiler. on the next content section there is a 'get tickets' link, the first section is the trailer which encourages people to watch the trailer making them want to buy tickets to watch the movie. The next section is the 'art gallery' this has a range of original art pieces that were inspired by the movie. They also have an instagram, twitter and facebook which consist of quotes from the movie, when the movie was out and scenes from the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent understanding of how a film marketing campaign deploys a wide variety of strategies, both paid-for marketing and free publicity, to create a synergetic whole.
