Read Kevin Maher (The Times film critic) on Trolls World Tour (Universal).
Use the case study to respond to the following 2 exam essays separately, so 2 paragraphs. Keep each to three or four crisp, factual sentences. Bonus points: refer to Netflix, disruption, your own film consumption.
Essay question 1: How far has digital technology changed patterns of distribution? (2015)

-Digital technology has changed distribution. Universal released trolls straight to home mediacinema exhibitors were angry about Universal's release of Trolls straight to home media, and even more cross when Universal than released The High Note in the same way. Cineworld amongst others is threatening to ban Universal films.

-Mayer suggests that if big Hollywood studios realise their blockbuster straight into consumers home then it could "signify the end of cinema-going". 

-Universal's home media release of Trolls as an example and consider whether this is a trend (in studio behaviour) with studios copying the disruptive model of Netflix

-Streaming services such as Netflix has caused a huge interference as it is more accessible for consumers. Matt Smith from the FDA mentions, movie trailers are being cut into mobile format (making it quick and easy for consumers to watch trailers on their digital device) and the spend on digital has increased. 

Essay question 2: To what extent does audience behaviour determine changes in the media industry? (2015)

- Audience behaviour can adequately impact the media industry. Due to coronavirus, many companies have chose to make use of their streaming platforms to release a constant stream of blockbusters, for example Disney+

- Although this is good for consumers, Maher believes if audience prefer blockbusters being released straight into the home then it could 'signify the ned of cinema going'. Whilst this is true to an extent people will still continue to go to the cinema, due to the big screen being much better than any of the systems the average consumer will have in their home. Dolby digital surround and the bigger screen means there will be better quality experience at the cinema making the consumer continue to visit the cinema. 

- Audiences like quick ways of watching films in there homes at minimum cost, streaming services make this accessible for consumers as there are so many different types to use such as: Netflix, Amazon prime, Sky store 

- current event such as the coronavirus are preventing people from going to the cinema

theatrical run 
theatrical chain 
Home media 

Revise our case study for Disney Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Use these materials here about Disney as a conglomerate - also use these words: megafranchise, synergy, as in a conglomerate like Disney, targets its audiences through a vertically integrated web of companies that cross-promote each film using synergy. This is known as vertical integration.

Article here from 27 February 2019
and here on how Disney marketed RO

Essay question 3: Evaluate the importance of media ownership on the media texts which get produced. Write a page.

traditional cinematic lifecycle
closed the theatrical release window

1 comment:

  1. Essay question 1: you understand the article and you relate it to the question but you need to put in the missing link in your sentence: that cinema exhibitors were angry about Universal's release of Trolls straight to home media, and even more cross when Universal then released The High Note in the same way. Cineworld amongst others is threatening to ban Universal films.
    You need to complete the rest of the tasks. Email me when you have done.
