For our paparazzi scene, we wanted it to come across frantic and very fast pace to connote how our protagonist, Blake, was feeling. Therefore, when editing we knew that a huge variety of different sounds needed to be used.
Initially, we though we would just use a white noise to connote a sense of Blake feeling trapped and like she doesn't want to be living this type of life. However, after playing it back it sounded far too simple and needed a lot more sound. We then realised we were missing the main part of a paparazzi clip, the sound of cameras flashing. We added in a sound of cameras flashing as well as the white noise to make it fast pace and have a very busy feel to it.
We left it like this for a while, but after lots of thinking and playing back, we knew it needed more to it. So, for a while we went around asking various different people to voice record them shouting things as if they were paparazzi so we could layer it in and make Blake seem more vulnerable towards the audience. This really improved this scene and made it seem extremely realistic and as if multiple people were shouting at her and asking questions. We still felt that it wasn't loud enough, so we added sound of a huge amount of paparazzi shouting. This really completed the sound as it now was loud and busy enough.
After this, we added a muffled sound to all of the specific questions being shouted at Blake. This added the effect that she felt so anxious and worried and was trying to block out everything people were saying.
Finally, we decided to add in one more layer of sound. This was a heartbeat sound that was playing fairly quietly in the background but it really put all the clips together and made the process of editing the sound complete!
Sophisticated application of technical skills to create sound layers to simulate paparazzi photography. Excellent grasp of how to win audience sympathy for hounded protagonist and vulnerable child.